
Exploring Catalyst programmatic partnerships



Why the work is being done

To explore and respond to opportunities for the Catalyst network to help itself. Funders and funder+ delivery partners (like CAST) want to run effective digital support+funding programmes that benefit from and contribute to Catalyst. How can Catalyst handle incoming opportunities from funders looking to run funding+support programmes in partnership with the Catalyst network - what is a networked response?

Problem to solve

November 2021:
How might partners deliver funding+support programmes as part of Catalyst - either individually or collaboratively? What roles are needed for a programme to be effective? What is the role of the Core Team?

We can see 3 (+1) models of programme design/delivery, where the role of the Core team is at various different points on the spectrum of 'hold the relationship and deliver the response' right through to 'pass it immediately on to the network'.
We'd like to explore the driving/restraining forces for each model:
  • 1. Core team holds the design and delivery, contracting network partners for identified specialisms (this could involve bringing in additional team members for project/programme duration)
  • 2. Core team identifies which network partners would be useful then hands it over to a coalition of them (like the original Digital Teams conception) to deliver
  • 3. Core team hands over to a designated partner to programme manage early on and determine who else is involved, they then contract them
  • +1. Potential for seconding network partners onto the Catalyst Core team for projects/programme management.

Our questions:
  • What are the implications of the different models for individual orgs and the sector / network as a whole of having more fluidity/porousness of org boundaries?
  • We see two types of delivery partner specialisms - programme design& management and then delivery with the actual charity partners. Are there others?

Who are the users and what do they need to do

As a funder
I need to know what digital support is on offer and how I might engage with it
So I can boost my grantees' digital capabilities

As a digital partner
I need opportunities to connect and work with charities and their funders
So I can win work and deliver impact

As a member of the Catalyst core team
I need to know what role I should play in facilitating/supporting a programmatic partnership
So that partners are able to work together effectively and deliver impact as part of Catalyst

Key project resources